
The best Windows wallpapers, ranked | PC Gamer - baileyhatted

The best Windows wallpapers, ranked

Windows wallpapers ranked imagery with PC Gamer logo and yellow background
(Image credit: Coming)

Somewhere deep in the consciousness of millions of citizenry is a fragment of a Windows paper. A green field, a logo, a predestinate spook of teal—many of United States will tell apar a Windows wallpaper despite not seeing one for decades. How many opposite images give the axe you recall with much specificity and detail after then long? The suffice is no, and that is why a Windows wallpaper is the ultimate expression of humankind.

Or something like that. Blasting done lists of Windows wallpapers to find the second-best (and worst) has been a trip drink down memory lane, though. Maybe they'Ra not quite a match for the Mona Lisa, merely some of these wallpapers will elicit lovesome memories of Information technology course of instruction or disbursal my nights googling lyrics to update my MSN Courier status:

⭐JAcoB⭐ Am I moar than u bargained 4 yet? XD 🌹

Perhaps or s things are best left to the decade from whence they came. Such A this primary model of Logitech webcam.

But not Windows wallpapers. Arsenic we stand connected the precipice of yet another Windows generation with Windows 11, it's about clip we took a look through the wallpapers that Microsoft has offered us, free of charge, inside its galore OSes over the years.

In ascending lodg.

img0 - Windows View

(Image credit: Microsoft)

I find the lack of a vista as a default background for Windows Vista to cost greatly disturbing.


Img0 - Windows 8

(Image credit: Microsoft)

I don't have anything against pretty flowers, I just don't understand why these particular proposition flowers are the default background for Windows 8.

Teal - Windows 95/98

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Few may say this wallpaper was objectionably singular, but I'd scarce call it teal.

img0 - Windows 10 (earlier version)

(Double credit: Microsoft)

A bit Sir Thomas More brooding and dark than the Windows 10 default wallpaper today, this version was affected down to make way for a to a greater extent vibrant option.

Why it was replaced with a pale imitator? We may never eff.

img6 - Windows 8

(Trope credit: Microsoft)

This has got to be a picture of the same hill as Red Moonshine Abandon, which makes an coming into court subsequently in this list. That alone wins big favour in my books.

I'll admit it's lacking that dependable je ne sais quoi—this is more 'regular desert' than 'red moon desert'—but it's still the best of the bunch for Windows 8.

Honourable mention for Windows 8 goes to Img4, which is a wonderful rocky outcrop, but looks like information technology whitethorn stimulate strained the photographer into a uneasy position to take the photo. You've got to have a melodic line, and mine is on the face of it sooner than OSHA's.

Pringles - Windows 11

(Project credit: Microsoft)

There's a certain allure to Pringles that I can't shake. A forbidden snack, the crystal Pringle.

Beetroot Pringles also facial expression mighty tasty, and if it weren't for the rumble in my bear when I look at it, this wallpaper would rank high.

Fall - Windows XP

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Windows XP beyond any doubt offered the best default wallpapers, as proven by the top three wallpapers all originating in the gloriously green and blue OS.

Prototypical up, Fall. This paper elicits thoughts of cosy jumpers, a roaring fire, and frolicking in the leaves. A touch of course of instruction right your desktop.

Bliss - Windows XP

(Image credit: Microsoft)

If a picture says a m lyric, and Windows XP's Bliss desktop background was installed on billions of PCs, how influential is this one picture?

Perhaps the most startling example of right down the intervening, no-take chances corporate imagination, this entirely harmless vista has a predestinate quality to it that makes it far more special than IT has whatever right to be. If in that respect's a Windows wallpaper that defines Windows wallpapers, this is it.

And don't blank out the great story of how this pic was taken in the Pe-tsai county hills in California by photographer Charles O'Rear, you bet Bill Gates bought the entire exclusive certify for some six figure sum through with his exposure service, Corbis, for utilization on the firebrand new OS.

Red Moon Desert - Windows XP

(Look-alike credit: Microsoft)

What can you say, Charles O'Rear is a man that understandably loves colour possibility. Brought to you aside the homophonic photographer that snapped Bliss, Crimson Synodic month Desert is taken half a world away in South Africa.

Information technology was also originally pegged to be the default background for Windows XP before Microsoft caught sight of those blissful hills. Apparently they settled on Bliss "repayable to Red moon desert's apparent resemblance to buttocks." Or thusly says the Windows Paper Wiki. Yeah, that ane's going to be tough to unsee, starboard?

It's non O'Rear's best known act upon, only it is perhaps his best. Red River Lunation Desert is pretty ****ing great, if you postulate me.

Jacob Ridley

Jacob earned his first byline piece of writing for his ain tech web log from his hometown in Wales in 2017. From there, he graduated to professionally breaking things at PCGamesN, where He would later win command of the kit cupboard Eastern Samoa hardware editor. Nowadays, arsenic senior hardware editor at PC Gamer, he spends his years reporting on the latest developments in the technology and gaming industry. When atomic number 2's not penning about GPUs and CPUs, you'll find him trying to stimulate arsenic far away from the modern world as possible by wild camping.


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